root is emotionalism, which, although it is understandable, must be tempered in a
society that claims and expects to be governed by the rule of law. The
operative term is accused. In the American justice system a person
stands innocent until proven guilty. But Dzkokhar Tsarnaev has been judged by
the court of public opinion. In that court, he’s already guilty.
Rolling Stone should be taken to task, it would be more justifiably
because the magazine is pandering to public vilification of this accused
bomber, not by putting his photograph on the cover but by underlining it with
the words “The Bomber.” The magazine has already judged him guilty, like much
of the public.
That the photo has caused such outcry seems disingenuous.
Perhaps the outcry is because Rolling Stone is more often thought of as
a popular culture magazine than a serious commentator on hard news. Perhaps it
is because the photo is not the usual image of a bedraggled prisoner awaiting
trial that has become a standard form of public vilification, often of those
not yet judged to be guilty but, like Dzkokhar Tsarnaev, awaiting their day in
Taken merely as subjects of current interest, accused and
convicted criminals, murderers all, are frequently featured on magazine covers.
It is a stock device of longstanding for Time
magazine in particular. In 1943 Time
featured a heroic portrait of Russian dictator Josef Stalin and named him its
Man of the Year. More recently, in 1999, Time
featured the smiling faces of Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold. They look like fresh-faced teenagers, but they are
better remembered as the Columbine High School shooters. Saddam Hussein, Adolph
Hitler, Muammar Gaddafi, Idi Amin, Timothy McVeigh, the list goes on, foreign
and domestic—all have been featured on magazine covers.
This instance of featuring a killer, accused or convicted, is
not a one-off for Rolling Stone. In
1970 Rolling Stone put mass murderer
Charles Manson on its cover; Life had
done the same the previous year. Does putting Dzkokhar Tsarnaev on Rolling Stone make him a “rock star,” as
some have commented? My guess is that it doesn’t have that effect for most
viewers, any more than putting Saddam Hussein’s smiling face on the cover of Time made him into a kindly father
The old saw is that a picture is worth a thousand words. What
those words are must be conjured up in the mind of the viewer. Rolling Stone’s use of this particular
image of the accused Boston bomber feeds the imagination of different people in
different ways. Those who have already judged Dzkokhar Tsarnaev guilty find the
image too positive, too apparently innocent. The art of vilification demands a
darker vision.
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